The Novello Book Of Music For Lent & Easter - David Hill - nuty na chór SATB
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Spis utworów:
In Ieiunio Et Fletu [Tallis, Thomas]
Miserere mei [Purcell, Henry]
A Penitential Responsory [Gant, Andrew]
All in the April evening [Roberton, Hugh]
Corpus Christi Carol [Britten, Benjamin]
Drop, drop, slow tears [Leighton, Kenneth]
Drop, drop, slow tears [Ross, Graham]
Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben [Bach, J. C.]
Forty days and forty nights [Herbst, Martin & Hayne, Leighton George]
An heart that’s broken and contrite [Dowland, John]
It is a thing most wonderful [Trad. arr. Vaughan Williams, Ralph & Burton, James]
Jesu Dulcis Memoria [Victoria, Tomas Luis De]
Immortal Bach [Nystedt, Knut]
The Crown of Roses (Legend) [Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich]
My song is love unknown [Ireland, John arr. Robinson, Christopher]
O languens Jesu [Bárdos, Lajos]
O Saviour of the world [Ouseley, Frederick, Arthur Gore]
Oculus non vidit [Rollison, Daniel]
Pange lingua 1 (Of the glorious body telling) [Plainsong arr. Hill, David]
Pange lingua 2 (Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle) [Plainsong arr. Hill, David]
When I survey the wondrous cross [Miller, Edward, arr. Wiggall, Tom]
Hosanna To The Son Of David [Weelkes, Thomas]
Ingrediente Domino [Malcolm, George]
Palm Sunday Processional [Plainsong arr. Hill, David]
Ave verum [Møller, Svein]
Nos autem gloriari [Ives, Grayston]
In monte Oliveti [Croce, Giovanni]
O salutaris Hostia [Hill, David]
O sacrum convivium [Ives, Grayston]
On the Mount of Olives [Allwood, Ralph]
Ubi Caritas [Mealor, Paul]
Crucifixus a 6 [Lotti, Antonio]
Gethsemane [Harvey, Adam]
In manus tuas [Tallis, Thomas]
The Two Adams [Borrett, Christopher]
My Lord is alone [Wikeley, Jonathan]
Stabat Mater [Padilla, Juan Gutiérrez de]
Steal away to Jesus [Spiritual arr. Adelmann, Dale]
The Reproaches [Mawby, Colin]
The Reproaches [Victoria, Tomás Luis de]
Were you there when they crucified my Lord? [Spiritual arr. Jackson, Stephen]
Go down, Moses [Allain, Richard]
Easter Troparion [Trad. Eastern Orthodox]
Song for Athene [Tavener, John]
A Thin Place [Wikeley, Jonathan]
Alleluia! Alleluia! [Sullivan, Arthur, arr. Marlow, Richard]
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing [Hintze, J. & Bach, J.S. arr. Marlow, Richard]
Christ being raised from the dead [Moore, Philip]
Christ now is risen [Vulpius, Melchior]
Christ the Lord is risen [Trad. arr. O'Donovan, Matthew]
Easter Carol [Hall, Jamie W.]
Dum Transisset Sabbatum [Taverner, John]
I got me flowers [Thurlow, Jeremy]
Jesus Christ is risen today [Lyra Davidica arr. O'Donovan, Matthew]
Lord of the Dance [Shaker Tune/Carter, Sydney arr. Jackson, Stephen]
May Carol [Trad. arr. Still, Peter, John]
My beloved spake [Hadley, Patrick]
Now the green blade riseth [Trad. arr. Terry, David]
O for a lay! [Trad. arr. Wood, Charles]
Sing ye to the Lord [Bairstow, Edward]
Surrexit a mortuis [Widor, Charles-Marie]
Surrexit pastor bonus [Lasso, Orlando di]
Thine be the glory [Handel, George Friderick, arr. Miller, Peter]
’Tis the day of Resurrection [Trad. arr. Sedding, Edmund]
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem [Gauntlett, L. J. arr. Johns, Christopher]
Tytuł: The Novello Book Of Music For Lent & Easter
Autor: David Hill
Stopień trudności: dla średniozaawansowanych, zaawansowanych
Instrument: chór mieszany
Notacja muzyczna: zapis nutowy,
Wydawnictwo: Novello
Format: 288 str., A4, miękka oprawa
Język wydania: angielski
ISBN / ISMN: 9781780388403
Kod wydawcy: NOV310849
Styl muzyczny | gospel / religijna |
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