Viola Time Runners - Kathy Blackwell, David Blackwell - akompaniament fortepianowy
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Spis utworów:
Adam in The Garden
Air (Duet) [Handel, George Frideric]
Air In C [Bach, Bach, Johann Christian]
Allegretto In C [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus]
Banyan Tree (Duet)
Blue Whale
Caribbean Sunshine
Chase In The Dark
Cornish May Song
Ecossaise In G [Beethoven, Ludwig Van]
Finale (Water Music) [Handel, George Frideric]
Flamenco Dance
Gypsy Dance
Heat Haze
I Got Those Viola Blues
In Memory
Jingle Bells
Mean Street Chase
Medieval Tale
Merrily Danced The Quaker's Wife
Noel [Daquin, Louis-claude]
O Leave Your Sheep (Duet)
On The Go!
Pick A Bale Of Cotton
Playing On The Ol' Banjo
Prelude (Te Deum) [Charpentier, Marc Antoine]
Somebody's Knockin' At Your Door
Somebody's Knocking At Your Door
Start The Show
Takin' It easy
Ten Thousand Miles Away (Duet)
That's How It Goes!
The Old Chariot
The Wee Cooper O' Fife
Viola Time Rag
Yodelling Song
Tytuł: Viola Time Runners - akompaniament fortepianowy
Autor: Kathy Blackwell, David Blackwell
Stopień trudności: dla początkujących, średnio zaawansowanych
Instrument: fortepian
Notacja muzyczna: zapis nutowy
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
Seria: Viola Time
Format: 48 str, A4, miękka oprawa,
Język wydania: angielski
ISBN / ISMN: 9780193398535
Kod wydawcy: 9780193566200
Seria | Viola Time |
Instrument | Fortepian / pianino |
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