The Organist's Bumper Collection - 100 outstanding pieces selected by Colin Mawby - nuty na organy
Publikacja zawiera 100 wybitnych dzieł wybranych przez Colina Mawby (angielski organista, dyrygent chóralny i kompozytor, mistrz muzyki w katedrze Westminster, oraz dyrektor chóralny w Radio Telefís Éireann). Nuty na organy dla średnio-zaawansowanych.
Zobacz przykładowe strony w galerii produktu. Pomogą one określić poziom trudności. Znajdziesz tam również inne dodatkowe informacje.
Spis utworów:
- A Ceremonial Flourish Stanley Vann
- A Joyful "Going Out" Colin Mawby
- A Thornbury Fanfare Malcolm Archer
- A Trumpet Gavotte Christopher Tambling
- Alla Marcia Thomas Adams
- Allegro Vivace Filippo Capocci
- Andantino in DIgnace Leybach
- Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Handel
- At Eastertide Charles Villiers Stanford
- Campane a Sete Andrew Fletcher
- Cantique Elgar
- Cantique Jaak Nikolaas Lemmens
- Carillon Andrew Wright
- Centenary Flourish June Nixon
- Christ the Lord is Risen John Bertalot
- Corde natus Philip Moore
- Dance with the Saints Colin Mawby
- Easter Alleluia Colin Mawby
- Easter Hymn Noel Rawsthorne
- Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott Max Reger
- Entrée pontificale Enrico Bossi
- Exsultet Colin Mawby
- Fanfare Jaak Nikolaas Lemmens
- Fanfare with Trio Simon Lesley
- Festal Fanfare June Nixon
- Festal Prelude Carl Nielsen
- Festive Procession Paul Bryan
- Finale from "The Royal Fireworks" Handel
- Fugue and Chorale Christopher Tambling
- Gagliarda Sigfrid Karg-Elert
- Grand choeur César Franck
- Grand choeur in G Théodore Salomé
- Grand March from "Aïda" Giuseppe Verdi
- Hallelujah Chorus from "Messiah" Handel
- Halton Holgate Philip Moore
- Hornpipe Humoresque Noel Rawsthorne
- Hyfrydol June Nixon
- Hymn of Thanksgiving Colin Mawby
- Irish Norman Warren
- Jerusalem Charles Hubert Hastings Parry
- Let the Merry Organ Sound Colin Mawby
- Lobe den Herren Max Reger
- Lord of Majesty Richard Lloyd
- March John Marsh
- March in D Alexandre Guilmant
- March in G Henry Smart
- March-sortie Théodore Dubois
- Minuetto Alexandre Guilmant
- Mohrentanz Tylman Susato
- Mr Purcells Procession June Nixon
- Nun danket Stanley Vann
- Nun danket alle Gott Sigfrid Karg-Elert
- O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace June Nixon
- Ode to Joy from "Symphony No. 9" Beethoven
- Onwards and Upwards Judith Bailey
- Paean Christopher Tambling
- Placare Christe servulis Colin Mawby
- Postlude Alan Ridout
- Postlude Ignace Leybach
- Postlude Richard Lloyd
- Postlude Théodore Dubois
- Postludio Festivo Sigfrid Karg-Elert
- Prelude Adolf Hesse
- Prelude Charles Villiers Stanford
- Prelude from "Te Deum" Marc-Antoine Charpentier
- Prelude in E minor Bach
- Prelude in F Georg Muffat
- Prelude on "Praise My Soul" Alan Ridout
- Preludium Antonín Dvorák
- Processional for a Saints Day Colin Mawby
- Processional March Emile le Blanc
- Prologue Anton Bruckner
- Puer Nobis Colin Mawby
- Royal Knights: A Ceremonial March Christopher Tambling
- Sculpture Timothy Blinko
- Sonatina Christian Fink
- Song 22 Charles Villiers Stanford
- Sortie Alexandre Guilmant
- Sortie Christopher Tambling
- Sortie Louis Lefébure-Wély
- Sortie dans le style de Bach Alexandre Guilmant
- Sortie on "Nun danket alle Gott" Noel Rawsthorne
- St Andrew of Cretes Carillon John Jordan
- St Fulbert Philip Moore
- Surge et illuminare Colin Mawby
- The Bishops Fanfare Christopher Tambling
- The Entertainer Scott Joplin
- To thee, Jehovah, will I sing Sigfrid Karg-Elert
- Toccata Andrew Gant
- Toccata Christopher Tambling
- Toccata Eugène Gigout
- Toccata on "St Fulbert" Rosalie Bonighton
- Toccatino Robert Jones
- Trumpet Tune Christopher Tambling
- Trumpet Tune in C Henry Purcell
- Versets on a Choral Melody Stanley Vann
- Victimae paschali laudes Andrew Moore
- Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen Max Reger
- Wedding March Camille Saint-Saëns
- Yorkshire Noel Rawsthorne
Tytuł: The Organist's Bumper Collection - 100 outstanding pieces selected by Colin Mawby
Autor: różni
Stopień trudności: dla średnio zaawansowanych
Instrument: organy
Notacja muzyczna: notacja muzyczna
Wydawnictwo: Kevin Mayhew
Format: 396 stron, A4, oprawa miękka
Język wydania: angielski
ISBN / ISMN: 9781844176670
Kod wydawcy: 1450380
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