Great Piano Solos: The Film Book - muzyka filmowa na fortepian
Pozycja z serii "Great Piano Solos' zawiera wspaniałą kolekcję piosenek z największych przebojów filmowych, w opracowaniu na fortepian solo. Utwory przeznaczone są dla średnio-zaawansowanych wykonawców.
Zobacz przykładowe strony w galerii produktu. Pomogą one określić poziom trudności. Znajdziesz tam również inne dodatkowe informacje.
Spis utworów:
A Time For Us (Romeo And Juliet) [Rota, Nino]
After Midnight (Chicago) [Elfman, Danny]
Alfie (Alfie) [Bacharach, Burt]
American Beauty/Angela Undress (American Beauty) [Newman, Thomas]
Anthem (Cold Mountain) [Yared, Gabriel]
As Time Goes By (Casablanca) [Hupfield, Herman]
Autumn In Connecticut (Far From Heaven) [Bernstein, Elmer]
Born Free (Born Free) [Barry, John]
Come What May (Moulin Rouge) [Baerwald, David]
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon / Eternal Vow (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) [Tan Dun]
E.T. The Extra Terrestial [Williams, John]
Feather Theme (Forrest Gump) [Silvestri, Alan]
From Here To Eternity (From Here To Eternity) [Kargar, Fred]
I Wanna Be Loved By You (Some Like It Hot) [Ruby, Harry] [Stothart, Herbert]
Il Postino/The Bicycle (Il Postino) [Bacalov, Luis]
Into The West (The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King) [Lennox, Annie]
It's A Life (The Truman Show) [Dallwitz, Burkhard]
Jean De Florette [Petit, Jean-claude]
Lawrence Of Arabia [Jarre, Maurice]
Le Banquet (Amelie) [Tiersen, Yann]
Liquid Spear Waltz (Donnie Darko) [Andrews, Michael]
Live And Let Die (Live And Let Die) [Wings]
Love Theme (The Godfather) [Rota, Nino]
Mission: Impossible [Schifrin, Lalo]
My Heart Will Go On (Titanic) [Horner, James]
Passage Of Time (Chocolat) [Portman, Rachel]
PM's Love Theme (Love Actually) [Armstrong, Craig]
Raiders March (Raiders Of The Lost Ark) [Williams (Composer), John]
Schindler's List [Williams (Composer), John]
Silence Of The Lambs [Shore, Howard]
Song For The Unification Of Europe (Three Colours: Blue) [Preisner, Zbigniew]
The Artifact And Living (Donnie Darko) [Andrews, Michael]
The Beginning Of The Partnership (Shakespeare In Love) [Warbeck, Stephen]
The English Patient/A Retreat/Rupert Bear (English Patient) [Yared, Gabriel]
The Heart Asks Pleasure First (The Piano) [Nyman, Michael]
The Last Of The Mohicas [Jones, Trevor]
The Mandolin (Captain Corelli's Mandolin) [Warbeck, Stephen]
The Music Of Goodbye (Out Of Africa) [Barry, John]
The Poet Acts (The Hours) [Glass, Philip]
Theme (Jurassic Park) [Williams (Composer), John]
Theme (Somewhere In Time) [Barry, John]
Theme (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) [Goldsmith, John]
Unchained Melody (Ghost) [North, Alex] [Zaret, Hy]
Up Where We Belong (An Officer And A Gentleman) [Jennings, Will] [Nitzsche, Jack] [Sainte-marie, Buffy] Where Do I Begin (Love Story) [Lai, Francis]
Tytuł: Great Piano Solos: The Film Book
Autor: różni
Stopień trudności: dla średnio-zaawansowanych
Instrument: fortepian,
Notacja muzyczna: zapis nutowy,
Seria: Great Piano Solos
Wydawnictwo: Wise Publications
Format: 160 str., A4, miękka oprawa,
Język wydania: angielski
ISBN / ISMN: 9781846090455
Kod wydawcy: AM982795
Seria wydawnicza | Great Piano Solos |
Styl muzyczny | film / musical |
Instrument | Fortepian / pianino |
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